Seirios-Euphoria Food Club

Seirios-Euphoria Food Club is a place created to house our love for food, and give us the opportunity to share with its members our philosophy for well-being.

The long-term research on nutrition and cooking, the carefully selected organic ingredients treated in traditional ways, along with the responsibility and honesty throughout the process, are our secrets to the delicious pleasures we offer our members.

Located in the idyllic setting of a large courtyard surrounded by olive trees, lemon trees and flowers, Seirios-Euphoria Food Club offers relaxing evenings under romantic lighting or sunny mornings on the terrace with a stunning panoramic view of Kissamos Bay, Polyrinia and surrounding villages.

The Seirios-Euphoria Food Club operates exclusively for members, and only upon reservation with a limited number of people at a time (8 - 10 people).

As a guest of Chania Villas, you get access to the benefits and services of the Seirios-Euphoria Food Club enjoyed by its members.

Join us to live the unique experience of a different management of raw materials, but also a new approach to lifestyle in relation to food and not only.  This is a lesson in nutrition and adopting a different lifestyle in general, which will give you tips in a direction that benefits you.

Come and cook together and discuss topics related to love, health and joy in our lives.